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Over a year ago, the LORD began impressing upon me that He was leading me in a different direction. That is a difficult position for a missionary to be in, with many supporting churches and their expectations, but even though the comfortable path would have been to stay and continue serving in Moldova, I knew I could not. Days and weeks of prayer and consideration, and even some wondering of what God really wanted me to do, and why He was calling me away from this ministry, led to a peace to step out into the unknown and simply trust Him; to be, as Abraham’s servant said, “in the way,” and to be led by God.

Many people speak of “surrendering to God” as a rare event that happens once in a person’s life, but in reality, every day in the life of a Christian should be one of surrender to Him. I did not just surrender to follow the LORD’s leading to Moldova years ago, and there stay put, with surrender done for my life. There have been many surrenders over the years, of surrendering my plan and will for God’s, knowing His was best. More recently, I surrendered the security of a known path in life and said “yes,” to completely stepping out into the unknown. For a woman (and we women crave security), and a missionary, who is accountable to many churches to be doing certain things with the support they entrust her with, that is a great and scary leap of faith. But our God is greater than human expectations, plans, ideas, and feelings.

Not long after (finally) surrendering to the possibility of leaving Moldova, the LORD graciously brought me together with another believer who was spending his time serving God and waiting on the LORD’s timing. Ron is an associate pastor and small business owner in California. We can see and know that it was truly the LORD who orchestrated the paths that led us together, and we praise God for His perfect will in our lives.  Time schedules for so many things may have shifted this past year, but this last week, Ron asked me to marry him, and I delightedly said “yes!” We are looking forward to a life of serving our faithful God together. 

The “rest of the story” is that the LORD led me to a godly man whom I will be honored to call my husband. Thank you all for so graciously waiting for the extension of my story. I want to thank you again for your years of faithful prayers, support, and friendship. May the Lord continue to bless you all in your service of Him.